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JW FLV Player was the video player chosen and used by YouTube back when they launched what is now the world's biggest video sharing service.
It supports playback of any format the Adobe Flash Player and HTML 5 can handle. These include H.264, WebM, YouTube videos, FLV, MP4, MP3, AAC, JPG, PNG and GIF.
Besides this, it also supports RTMP, HTTP, live streaming, various playlists formats, a wide range of settings and an extensive JavaScript API.
Transfer the player.swf and swfobject.js file from the ZIP to your website.
Embed the player in your HTML page.
Here are some key features of "JW FLV Media Player":
File properties:
· author (undefined): author of the video, shown in the display or playlist.
· date (undefined): publish date of the media file.
· description (undefined): text description of the file.
· duration (0): duration of the file in seconds.
· file (undefined): location of the mediafile or playlist to play.
· image (undefined): location of a preview image; shown in display and playlist.
· link (undefined): url to an external page the display, controlbar and playlist can link to.
· start (0): position in seconds where playback has to start.
· tags (undefined): keywords associated with the media file.
· title (undefined): title of the video, shown in the display or playlist.
· type (undefined): this is determines what type of mediafile this item is, and thus which model the player should use to determine playback. Supported values are sound, image, video, youtube, camera, http, lighttpd or rtmp.
· backcolor (undefined): background color of the controlbar and playlist. This is white with the default skin.
· frontcolor (undefined): color of all icons and texts in the controlbar and playlist.
· lightcolor (undefined): color of an icon or text when you rollover it with the mouse.
· screencolor (undefined): background color of the display.
· controlbar (bottom): position of the controlbar. Can be set to bottom, over and none.
· height (400): height of the display in pixels. When resizing is set to false, this is the overall player height.
· playlist (none): position of the playlist. Can be set to bottom, over, right or none.
· playlistsize (180): when below this refers to the height, when right this refers to the width of the playlist.
· skin (undefined): location of a SWF file with the player graphics.
· width (280): width of the display in pixels. When resizing is set to false, this is the overall player width.
· autostart (false): automatically start the player on load.
· bufferlength (1): number of seconds of the file that has to be loaded before starting. Set this to a low value to enable instant-start and to a high value to get less mid-stream buffering.
· displayclick (play): what to do when one clicks the display. Can be play, link, fullscreen, none, mute, next. When set to none, the handcursor is also not shown.
· fullscreen (false): fullscreen state of the player. This is a read-only flashvar, useful for plugins.
· icons (true): set this to false to hide the play button and buffering icon in the middle of the video.
· item (0): playlistitem that should start to play. Use this to set a specific start-item.
· linktarget (_blank): browserframe where the links from display are opened in. Some possibilities are '_self' (same frame) , '_blank' (new browserwindow) or 'none' (links are ignored in the player, so javascript can handle it).
· logo (undefined): location of an external jpg, png or gif image to show in a corner of the display. With the default skin, this is top-right, but every skin can freely place the logo.
· mute (false): mute all sounds on startup. Is saved in a cookie.
· quality (true): enables smoothed playback. This sets the smoothing and deblocking of videos on/off. Is saved in a cookie.
· repeat (none): set to list to play the entire playlist once, to always to continously play the song/video/playlist and to single to continue repeating the selected file in a playlist.
· resizing (true): by default, the player will resize itself to fill the entire canvas. Set this to false if you don't want the player to resize (e.g. when you load the player in a Flex application).
· shuffle (false): shuffle playback of playlist items.
· state (IDLE): current playback state of the player. Can be IDLE (no file loaded), BUFFERING (loading a file), PLAYING (playing a file), PAUSED (pausing playback; loading continues), COMPLETED (same as IDLE, but the file is player and loaded completely).
· stretching (uniform): defines how to resize images in the display. Can be none (no stretching), exactfit (disproportionate), uniform (stretch with black borders) or fill (uniform, but completely fill the display).
· volume (90): startup volume of the player. Can be 0 to 100. Is saved in a cookie.
· abouttext (undefined): text to show in the rightclick menu. Please do not change this if you don't have a commercial license! When undefined it shows the player version.
· aboutlink (LongTail Video URL): url to link to from the rightclick menu. Do not change this if you don't have a commercial license!
· client (Flash MAC X,0,XXX,0): Version and platform of the Flash client plugin. Useful to check for e.g. MP4 playback or fullscreen capabilities.
· id (ply): ID of the player within the javascript DOM. Useful for javascript interaction. This is automatically set for Windows / MAC, but under Linux you'll have to set the flashvar.
· plugins (undefined): a powerful new feature, this is a comma-separated list of swf plugins to load (e.g. yousearch,viral). Each plugin has a unique ID and resides at plugins.longtailvideo.com. Go to the LongTailVideo AddOns section to see all available plugins.
· streamer (undefined): location of a server to use for streaming. Can be an RTMP application (here's an example) or external PHP/ASP file to use for HTTP streaming. If set to lighttpd, the player presumes a Lighttpd server is used to stream videos.
· tracecall (undefined): name of a javascript function that can be used for tracing the player activity. All events from the view, model and controller are sent there. Set this to flash to utilize the internal Flash tracing mechanism and to arthropod to use the Arthropod debugger.
· version (4.x.rrr): exact major release, minor release and revision number of the player. sent to javascript with every call. The revision number is always upped no matter the release, so 4.2.51 is the revision right after 4.1.50.
· JavaScript enabled on client side
· HTML 5 enabled browser
· Adobe Flash Player
What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]
· httpmodel flv with startpos fail.
· Overlaid playlist pops up when returning from fullscreen.
· Fullscreen in flex without resizing bugs.
· First playlist item visible on top of video space.
· Scrollbar jumps to 0 on an HTTP seek.

Via: JW FLV Media Player 6
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