07 May, 2009

Internet Marketing Guides - Undercover Scams?

Before you start reading this article, please indulge me by doing me a small favor. Go over to Google or whatever your favorite search engine is, and type in “Online Marketing Reviews”. Browse quickly through each of the sites ranked highly for this search term and take a mental not of what you observe. Almost instantly you will notice how these sites try their hardest to appear professional, convince you they are not marketers and have only your best interest at heart. Online Marketing Review is indeed a sort of Scam in disguise, Where average Joes like you or me present themselves as experts who are willing to disperse their advice and recommendation free of charge, all in the interest of serving the public… Online Marketing

In Case you don’t know, the links you see at those online marketing reviews and which lead you to the product they recommend, are called “Affiliate links”. Every time someone buys the product by clicking those links, the so called “reviewer” receives a share of the profits. So you could easily see why these guys want you to buy specific products which they recommend. The simplest way to get over that is to buy only upon a recommendation of someone directly related to you. However, there are actually some reviews which are useful and informative, as long as you follow these simple guidelines:

1. Refund: This is crucial and I can’t stress it enough! Basic online marketing reviews tactics is to NEVER mention refund options on products. Usually the refund is already mentioned at the product’s own homepage, so why mention again? It is generally believed that when a costumer reads a review and learns he has the 100% satisfaction guarantee, this feature will stick in his mind in relation to the product and increase the chance of him actually asking for a refund, thus making the affiliate lose his profit. This actually makes sense, as the costumer would likely think to himself “I might just as well try this, and if it doesn’t work I’ll just get my money back with no problems”. Reviews that mention the refund feature are usually more likely to be genuine and have the customer’s best interest at heart.

2. Personal Approach: We have already established that those online marketing reviews which look professional are absolutely not, and mostly have only the writer’s best interests in mind. When reading an online marketing review, look for something that slightly differs from the “I want to make you think I’m an expert” pattern that you mostly see. A writer that doesn’t pretend to be an authority on the subject, simply stating “Hey I have tried this products out and they were good, you can try them too” is a lot more trustworthy than others. But watch out from those we take the “way too friendly” approach too, this is also a well known marketing technique. So ideally we are looking for a review in which the writer doesn’t pretend to be something he is not, while still producing a professional and to the point review of the product of service.

3. Selection of Products:when you browsed through those review sites earlier on, you might have noticed something a bit strange. All of these sites usually recommend at least 10 different products or services in the exact same genre. Why is that? This way there is a greater chance someone will purchase at least one of these products (Maybe even more…). Is it really believable there are 10+ GREAT and effective online marketing guides/products? I highly doubt it, and I simply don’t believe the reviewer had actually tested each and every one of them… General rule of thumb is that a review shouldn’t cover more than 5-6 products… Easier to believe the guy actually tested 5 different products he can recommend.

I hope you use these guidelines wisely, find genuine online marketing reviews, and avoid spending money and time over ill-conceived advice. Visit my site For the best Online Marketing guides and tools i have personally used successfully to build my online fortune.

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