01 July, 2013

Formoid 1.8.2



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Formoid | More scripts

Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
July 1st, 2013, 14:52 GMT [view history]
C: \ Forms and Controls

Formoid is a form templating boilerplate for easily dropping in form elements and creating Web forms using a simple structure and styiling method.

Beside the jQuery version presented here, a Mac and Windows app can be downloaded as well, for creating forms via an visual interface.

Download the Windows app from Softpedia here.
Download the Mac app from Softpedia here.


· JavaScript enabled on client side
· jQuery 1.7 or higher

What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]

· Small fixes.

download button
Via: Formoid 1.8.2

2 Comment:

Unknown said...

I recommend against trying this app. I am like all the other commenters on the Formoid You Tube page. Just can't get it to work. The instructions are impossible to follow. Read them. It gets worse when you actually have the software in hand, not better. Beyond the instructions needing improvement, I think the PHP is just hopelessly broken. When you get it up an running on your server, with the index file name changed to .php and the code in the header, the form just returns a fatal error in line 10 of form.php which is referring to a non-existent resource. I have a paid version, and the so-called year of customer support is 100% useless. They can't do anything but recite snippets of the instructions to you even when you have shown them proof that you are following the instructions.

Unknown said...

I recommend against trying this app. I am like all the other commenters on the Formoid You Tube page. Just can't get it to work. The instructions are impossible to follow. Read them. It gets worse when you actually have the software in hand, not better. Beyond the instructions needing improvement, I think the PHP is just hopelessly broken. When you get it up an running on your server, with the index file name changed to .php and the code in the header, the form just returns a fatal error in line 10 of form.php which is referring to a non-existent resource. I have a paid version, and the so-called year of customer support is 100% useless. They can't do anything but recite snippets of the instructions to you even when you have shown them proof that you are following the instructions.