30 September, 2012

Google App Engine SDK for Java



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Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
October 1st, 2012, 05:20 GMT [view history]
C: \ Development Tools \ Complete applications

The Engine allows developer to create web apps in standard Java code and run them on Google's scalable infrastructure.

The Java environment provides a Java 6 JVM, a Java Servlets interface, and support for standard interfaces to the App Engine scalable datastore and services, such as JDO, JPA, JavaMail, and JCache.

App Engine runs Java applications using the Java 6 virtual machine (JVM).

The App Engine SDK supports Java 5 and later, and the Java 6 JVM can use classes compiled with any version of the Java compiler up to Java 6.

App Engine uses the Java Servlet standard for web applications.


· Java 5 or higher

What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]

· Added Timezone selection widget in Admin Console Admin Logs.
· Added a warning message about caching when modifying or deleting datastore entities.
· Added a flush cache button to dev_appserver and Admin Console.
· Attempting to update multiple entity groups in a single transaction in Datastore now throws an error suggesting to use XG transactions.
· Search API now has a string maximum length limit of 2000 characters.
· Fixed an issue with namespace dropdown in Admin Console appearing blank even though the URL specified namespace is correct.
· Fixed an issue where Model.get_by_id() returns none in dev_appserver whereas this is not allowed in production.
· Fixed an issue with dev_appserver app_identity.get_default_version_hostname()
· Fixed an issue with mail service sendToAdmins() failing when using multi-arg message constructor.
· Fixed an issue with dev_appserver for mimetypes.guess_type()
· Fixed an issue with runtime failing to use scope with OAuth under certain conditions.
· Fixed an issue with AppConfigNotFound error.

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Via: Google App Engine SDK for Java

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