23 December, 2012

Akka 2.0.4 / 2.1.0-RC6



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December 23rd, 2012, 07:50 GMT [view history]
C: \ Development Tools \ Frameworks

Akka is a toolkit and runtime at the same time, for event-driven applications built on the JVM.

The framework uses the Actor Model together with Software Transactional Memory to raise the abstraction level and provide a better platform to build correct concurrent and scalable applications.

Akka has been currently used with success by companies like VMWare, IGN, Klout and many more.

Here are some key features of "Akka":

· Write systems that self-heal.
· Remote and/or local supervisor hierarchies.
· Akka Extensions can be used to adapt Akka to fit any needs.
· Adaptive load balancing, routing, partitioning and configuration-driven remoting.
· High performance.
· Asynchronous and Distributed by design.
· High-level abstractions like Actors, Futures and STM.

What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]

Bug fixes:
· Improved Java API for accessing singletons like akka.routing.CurrentRoutees and friends (also our beloved PoisonPill)
· Reject invalid ActorSystem names which lead to problems when going remote (essentially must be valid hostname components now)
· Fixed a live-lock in ForkJoinPool which could occur under rare circumstances with parallelism levels 2 or 4
· reduced overhead of ask(): less memory footprint and lazy registration
· Several improvements and fixes for documentation (ScalaDoc as well as reStructuredText)
· Make cause and message of AskTimeoutException accessible
· Make SmallestMailboxRouter config serializable (this might require recompilation of classes mixing in SmallestMailboxLike)
· Fix SmallestMailboxRouter crash upon sending under pressure
· Make RemoteLifeCycleEvents serializable
· Fix TestActorRef for actors setting ReceiveTimeout in constructor
· Fix zeromq performance and instabilities by running the polling loop only on the same thread as all other activities for the socket
· Never restart zeromq socket actors in case of fatal socket errors
· Opened up visibility of RemoteTransport.send() and notifyListeners() to improve extensibility

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Via: Akka 2.0.4 / 2.1.0-RC6

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